Rant #3,1900,00


Before I get into my rant, let me just point out a few things:
#1: I have absolutely zero tolerance these days. Blame it on my last relationship.
#2: I am practicing patience and so far, I've been doing a very good job-- until today.
#3: I try not to curse, but I think certain moments are much better expressed with a few "shits," and "damn's."

I wanted to use the word "hate," but that connotes more negativity than necessary. So, I'll use the word "dislike." After weeks of calling the Financial Aid office and the Records office in order to verify that I have sent the required documentation for my grant to be processed, and that my transcripts were received, I found out that my schedule was dropped. Yes, dropped. Instant panic attack. I immediately started to shake and spew out multiple curse words and pursued called every phone number listed on the school's website. For the next hour, I went through the following: Called. Transferred. Called. Transferred. Called. Voicemail. Called. Voicemail. Called. Called. Transferred.

Then, a breakthrough of more shit: Well I see that we received it on the 19th, and our deadline was on the 15th, so we can't guarantee that it will be processed this week. We are very busy and are trying to get the awards done as quickly as possible. My reply: I WAS TOLD THAT MY SCHEDULE WOULD NOT BE DROPPED BECAUSE I HAD ALREADY COMPLETED MY FILE AND SENT MY TRANSCRIPTS. NO ONE TOLD ME ABOUT A DEADLINE! Him: Yes, unfortunately, I can not give you an exact date as to when you will receive that award letter, so if you register for classes again, your schedule will probably be dropped.

Based on the information above, you can probably understand my frustration. After emailing a friend and writing a tweet about this debacle, I've calmed down a considerable amount, which is an accomplishment in itself. There is nothing more that I can do, except for pray. Negativity doesn't award anything, but positivity's rewards are limitless.


Charlotte said...

School was ALWAYS such a nightmare for me- EVERY year started out that way. Financial aid issues; scheduling conflicts, balances...I always made it to classes in the nick of time. Then I was like, "why the fuck am I dealing with this shit? Because I'm SUPPOSED to?

Unknown said...

Wow. That isn't even funny. But stay positive okay? I bet it will turn out alright

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Candace said...

@ Charlotte: EXACTLY. He acted as if I was somehow in the wrong & dismissed the fact that he told me that my schedule would not be dropped. At this point, I have no other options outside of calling him everyday to make sure he processes my file immediately.

@Adiya: Thank you! I am doing my best to stay optimistic and will deal with the outcome, positive or negative.

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