

24 minutes ago, I was feeling quite melancholy. 20 minutes ago, the feeling of melancholy transitioned into 
feelings of irritation, isolation, disrespect. 15 minutes ago, I had the urge to write a post that detailed how
upset I was and would have probably given too much of my positive energy to something not worthy of
my attention. 10 minutes ago, I came across my horoscope, which coincidentally had been posted 24
minutes prior.

It stated:

"There's a conservative veil over your emotions, Aries. Issues from the past might arise and rub you the 
wrong way. You move onward and upward by nature, plowing ahead without thinking of the consequen-
ces. Today you might be a bit more sober than usual. Look at what's worked in the past in terms of keep-
ing your fiery emotions intact. Try not to resent the past but learn from it."

Five minutes ago, I erased the post I started on and replaced the image with the one you see above. Peace.
Peace. Peace. Peace. Peace. Peace. Peace. Peace. Peace. Peace. Peace. Peace. Peace. Peace. Peace. what I will have. Peace & away with negativity. Peace & away with evil. Peace & away with anger.
Peace & away with your stress. Peace & away with your worry. Peace & away with your disrespect.
There is a love, so sweet & purifying, that I need more than anything. I want to bathe in it, for hours.
I will stay there, until wrinkles appear, and then drift into a tranquility, awakening to the SUN. 
Ashé Ashé Ashé


Unknown said...

How come so many people are feeling bleh lately? It's like there's a bleh epidemic. I like the positivity you're taking on though. I never check horoscopes, but it's good you read just what you needed to read when you read it (does this make sense? lol)


Candace said...

I think it is the weather! lol. I'm feeling much better today...and yes, you made!

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