For those who do not know, my natural hair "journey" started years ago and due to modeling (boredom and frustration), I've had my hair cut, colored, permed, and gone natural several times. Back in 2009, I started to transition again and did a BC that December. From that point, up until last summer, I was extremely intolerant of my once beloved tresses. My hair was pathetically dry, unresponsive to every natural & unnatural product, and would barely hold a curl without using gel. I knew something was wrong from the very beginning because my hair is VERY curly, under normal circumstances. So, last Saturday, I let the barber cut my hair very low (as you can see above).
Verdict: I love it.
My hair is no longer dry and as you can see, the curls are back. Having really tight curls require more moisture, so I always use honey, sweet almond oil, glycerin, and of course-- water. I also take vitamins/supplements daily: multivitamin, biotin, msm, and iron.
I mixed honey, sweet almond oil, olive oil, and massaged my scalp. I left it on overnight.
After rinsing, I put a little bit of sweet almond oil & glycerin on it.
I've learned from prior experience that keeping it simple works best, at least, for me. I have tons of shampoos & conditioners left over from the beginning of my natural hair journey and I don't intend to purchase anything else. However, I really want to try mixing peppermint oil into my wash/conditioner mix...:)
Peace, love, and light.
Your curls are too cute!!
Thank you!!!! I love it!
Love it! Looks nice on you Candace. I loved my TWA I felt sooo free and beautiful (still do, but its just something about TWA's)
wow your curls are beautiful. Good for you :)
Lydz xX
@ Nish, Thank you!!! I'm loving every minute of it...I can't keep my fingers out of my hair lol
@ Lydz, Thank you so much & glad you're following the blog!:)
Peace & bless all of you...
love it, looking gorgeous!
Thank you:)!!! I'm having fun with it
You look great! I've been trying to gather courage to cut my hair but it's not happening *sob sob*
Thanks Adiya!!! Just remember that its just hair and will always grow back:) If you're not ready to BC, just transition by wearing protective styles (i.e. braids, twists, straw sets).
love it! i remember when i went natural it was very low maintenance and better than perming it. wish i could do it again
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